Friday, June 12, 2015

Unique Feather Attachments For Fashion Headbands- Add a Touch of Glamour

Fashion headbands are one among the best accessories that you can ever have. Don't have a good dress. Just pop up a new chic headband and you become the darling of the party! One thing I love about headbands is that you can always add a dash of creativity. My favorite experiment is to add fresh flowers on a good stylish headpiece.

Feathers are also great attachments for headbands. You can easily get them in nearby stores and create new unique styles without a truck load of effort. It does not take too much of time which is why having a simple set at home helps.

Take a look at this video to add feather attachments on your own.....

A simple DIY project, indeed. So get set for the next party!

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